Трио Жака Лусье- Играя Баха и не только... / Jacques Loussier Trio- Play Bach and more..., [2005 г., Jazz / Classical, DVD9]
 timtima Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-12-2006, 20:20 (post 1, #687181)


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Трио Жака Лусье- Играя Баха и не только...  / Jacques Loussier Trio- Play Bach and more...
Название: Трио Жака Лусье- Играя Баха и не только... / Jacques Loussier Trio- Play Bach and more...
Режиссер: Андреас Морелл
В ролях: Jacques Loussier- piano, Benoit Dunoyer de Segonzac- bass, Andre Arpino- drums
Информация о фильме: Jazz / Classical , EuroArts, 2005
Языки: Без русского!!! , английский, немецкий, французский
Информация о диске: разм. 7.17Gb, Video:NTCS 16:9 (720x480) VBR, Auto Pan&Scan , Audio:LinearPCM, 2 ch; Dolby AC3, 6 ch; DTS, 5 ch
Ссылка: Link
Да вроде об этом трио уже давно и все сказанно, ну и я ничего нового не добавлю. Диск классный, на мой взгляд must_have в оригинале :)
Даже OlCh, который частенько чем-то недоволен B) высказался:
в свои то годы - и так играть! и плюс совершенно чистый звук :music: :wub:

Wow... A Wonderful Cross-over Concert, November 22, 2005
Reviewer: Young Seok Park "musicarama" (Seoul, Korea)
Each member of the trio led by Jacques Loussier is so talented and did a great concert with such famous Bach's works as Fugue No. 5, Gavotte, Pastoral, Air on a G string, Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, and Harpsichord Concerto. They also played Debussy's Arabesque and L'lsle joyeuse, Satie's Gymnopedie No. 1, and Ravel's Bolero. With piano, bass, and drums, they play the classical works in their own jazz style in such a unique and creative way. Their Bach's are excellent. I really liked their Air on G and Harpsichord Concerto in particular. It was also very enjoyable to watch them play the impressionists' pieces. They played them very peacefully and beautifully.
The sound is very clear and rich featuring DTS/DD 5.1 & PCM. Vision is also great with 16x9 enhanced widescreen. If you are familiar with the classical works, you will like this dvd a lot. If you aren't but you like jazz and/or cross-over, you will probably like it still. Highly recommended!

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This post has been edited by timtima on 08-12-2006, 20:24
Please take a second to encourage releaser for all his hard work, press 'Thanks' button
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 Jago Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-12-2006, 00:40 (post 2, #687687)


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timtima а обложками есть возможность поделится? :hi:
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 aled Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-12-2006, 21:23 (post 3, #688059)


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 timtima Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-12-2006, 03:01 (post 4, #688185)


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потенциальная возможность есть, но если диск понравился до такой степени, что прожигать собрались, то почему бы его и не приобрести? :w00t:
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 yury_usa Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-12-2006, 03:10 (post 5, #688188)


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мм.. $22 + доставка - надо подумать :)
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-12-2006, 07:14 (post 6, #688224)

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