Various Artists - 2017 - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Sound Selection, Nintendo
 shatterhand Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-12-2018, 00:36 (post 1, #1120483)

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Various Artists - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Sound Selection
Артист: Various Artists
Альбом: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Sound Selection, 2017
Издатель: Nintendo
Жанр: soundtrack, world
Формат файла: NL+
Ссылка: CD 11 clicks
Нахождение: eDonkey/Kademlia
Various Artists (2017) The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Sound Selection

01. Main Theme (1:59)
02. Field (Day) (2:45)
03. Battle (Field) (2:02)
04. Shrine (4:05)
05. Battle (Shrine) (1:31)
06. Riding (Day) (1:54)
07. Riding (Night) (1:52)
08. The Temple Of Time (2:00)
09. Guardian Battle (2:10)
10. Talus Battle (1:58)
11. Hinox Battle (3:37)
12. Stables (2:25)
13. Kass's Theme (1:11)
14. Kakariko Village (Day) (3:53)
15. Kakariko Village (Night) (4:32)
16. Rito Village (Day) (3:48)
17. Rito Village (Night) (4:41)
18. Goron City (Day) (2:54)
19. Goron City (Night) (3:33)
20. Zora's Domain (Day) (3:43)
21. Zora's Domain (Night) (4:38)
22. Gerudo Town (Day) (2:42)
23. Gerudo Town (Night) (3:23)
24. Main Theme (Live) (2:09)
опять вторник, опять неклассический, и опять эклектика и ненапряжность.
кстати, в фоне уже несколько раз неплохо прослушалось за последний год.
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