Kreator 2006, Enemy Of God Revisited (cd+bonus trax +dvd)
 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-11-2006, 04:14 (post 1, #671759)

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Kreator - Enemy Of God Revisited
Артист: Kreator
Альбом: Enemy Of God Revisited, 2006
Жанр: trash/speed metal
Формат файла: eac/ape/covers/rar
Ссылка 1: CD 1 3 clicks
Ссылка 2: CD 2
Ссылка 3: CD 3
Нахождение: eDonkey/Torrent
Kreator Live Wacken 2005
- Intro - Choir Of The Damned
- Enemy Of God
- Impossibel Brutality
- Pleasure To Kill
- Phobia
- Violent Revolution
- Suicide Terrorist
- Extreme Agression
- People Of The Lie
- Voices Of The Dead
- Terrible Certanity
- Betrayer
- Flag Of Hate
- Tormentor

Bonus Performances

=> Kreator live at the "Rockpalast"
- Reconquering the Throne
- Renewal
- Servant in Heaven - King in Hell


"Enemy of God" - Video Clip - Extended Terror Version
Directed by Jörn Heitman

=> Making of "Enemy of God"

"Dystopia"- Animated Video Clip
Directed by Kai Völpel

"Impossible Brutality"
Directed by Stefan Browatzki

"Dying Race Apocalypse " Video Clip
Directed by Julien Humbert-Droz (Kreator Clip Contest Winner)

Enemy of God 5.1 Mix incl. Animated Video Lyrics
1. Enemy Of God
2. Impossible Brutality
3. Sucide Terrorist
4. World Anarchy
5. Dystopia
6. Voices Of The Dead
7. Murder Fantasies
8. When Death Takes It's Dominion
9. One Evil Comes - A Million Follow
10. Dying Race Apocalypse
11. Under A Total Blackened Sky
12. The Ancient Plague


DVD Audio/Subtitles Setup

Format: DVD 9
Videoformat: PAL + NTSC Version available
Audioformats: Dolby Digital 2.0 / Dolby Digital 5.1 / DTS (Album Mix)
Picture: 16:9 4:3
Region Code: 0 (all)
Duration Video: approx. 155 min.
Subtitle: English
FSK: 16


1. Enemy of God
2. Impossible Brutallity
3. Suicide Terrorist
4. World Anarchy
5. Dystopia
6. Voices of the Dead
7. Murder Fantasies
8. When Death Takes it´s Dominion
9. One Evil Comes - A Million Follow
10. Dying Race Apocalypse
11. Under a Total Blackened Sky
12. The Ancient Plague
13. Toxic Trace (Live in Busan, Corea) Bonus Track
14. Coma Of Souls (Live in Busan, Corea) Bonus Track


For Kreator, the previous few years had been marked by highlights throughout: the band had toured all over the world since the release of Violent Revolution in 2001, playing over 160 shows; which was probably why their album, Enemy of God, echoed very precisely and unequivocally the energy that Germany’s most successful thrash metal band had generated during these shows. "We played countries where we’d never been before", mastermind Mille Petrozza remembered. "Korea was a first for us; we also toured Eastern Europe again and played in the US, South America and lots of exotic places." Whenever the tour schedule allowed him a few days off, Petrozza was busy working on new material for Enemy Of God and ensconced himself in the rehearsal room as of January 2004 to try out his new ideas, always as a direct reflection of the enthusiasm the tour had spawned. Enemy Of God will be released in a DVD/CD package featuring lots of surprises. Next to a ‘Making Of’ of the new album, there was lots of background information on Kreator, two live cuts of ‘Toxic Track’ and ‘Coma Of Souls’, the brand-new ‘Impossible Brutality’ video plus a number of additional extras.
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-11-2006, 04:14 (post 2, #671760)

зломбный релизомби

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EAC extraction logfile from 31. October 2006, 19:54 for CD
Kreator / Enemy Of God

Used drive  : SONY    DVD RW DW-Q28A   Adapter: 4  ID: 0
Read mode   : Secure with NO C2, accurate stream, disable cache
Combined read/write offset correction : 12
Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No

Used output format : Internal WAV Routines
                     44.100 Hz; 16 Bit; Stereo

Other options      : 
    Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes
    Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No
    Installed external ASPI interface

Range status and errors
Selected range
     Filename G:\Incoming\Kreator - Enemy Of God.wav

     Peak level 99.8 %
     Range quality 100.0 %
     CRC 73026698
     Copy OK

No errors occured

End of status report
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-11-2006, 04:38 (post 3, #671764)

зломбный релизомби

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link 1 -cd - ed2k
link2 - cd - torrent
link 3 - dvd- torrent
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 edenika Member is Offline
 Posted: 01-11-2006, 05:55 (post 4, #671769)

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Ух ты :w00t: .Линк 3 забрал Спасибо :punk:
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 odysseus_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 04-11-2006, 10:15 (post 5, #672842)


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Спасибо, sanbo! Заходя на форум, первым делом выискиваю заветное sanbo в Topic Starter :) :hi:
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 07-11-2006, 01:47 (post 6, #673987)

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что-то не так с двд?... кто-нить скачал?...
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 Jago Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-11-2006, 02:59 (post 7, #678191)


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sanbo у меня все в порядке.
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-11-2006, 05:24 (post 8, #678207)

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всем - на здоровье!

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