> Tori Amos - Fade To Red (Video Collection), 2xDVD5
 edenika Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-05-2008, 16:33 (post 1, #836993)

Always with metal
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Tori Amos Fade To Red (Video Collection)
Исполнитель: Tori Amos
Альбом: Fade To Red (Video Collection), 2006
Жанр: Alternative, Singer/Songwriter, Piano
Дистрибьютор: WMV
Информация о диске: сжатие Без сжатия, разм. 4.36+4.19Gb, Video:MPEG 2 / NTSC(720x480) / 4:3, Audio:LPCM 2.0(1536 kbps) / DTS 5.1(1536 kbps)
Ссылка: Link NEW!
Tracks Disc 1:
1. Past the Mission
2. Crucify
3. Jackie's Strength
4. Sorta Fairytale
5. Winter
6. Spark
7. Sleeps with Butterflies
8. Cornflake Girl
9. Hey Jupiter
10. Silent All These Years

Tracks Disc 2:
1. Caught A Lite Sneeze
2. 1000 Oceans
3. God
4. Bliss
5. China
6. Raspberry Swirl
7. Talula
8. Sweet the Sting
9. Pretty Good Year
10. Professional Widow (Remix) - Bonus Video
11. Cornflake Girl (U.K. Version) - Bonus Video



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