Classical music: Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants |
'David Jansen - organ, Capella Amsterdam, Daniel Reuss - conductor (Harmonia Mundi, HMC 902033)' | Fri, 05 Oct 2012 21:25:58 GMT | Автор: kgkk |
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562 - 1621)French Psalms and Sacred ChantsLabel: Harmonia Mundi, HMC 902033 Year: 2009 Performers:David Jansen - organ Ophira Zakai - lute Capella Amsterdam Daniel Reuss - conductor Tracklist:01. Resveillez vous chacun fidele (Ps. 133) 02. Qui en la garde du haut Dieu pour jamais se retire (Ps. 91) 03. Du fonds de ma pensee (Ps. 130) 04. De profundis clamavi ad te Domine 05. Magnificat anima mea Dominum 06. Beati pauperes spiritu 07. A Dieu ma voix j'ai haussee (Ps. 77) 08. Ainsi qu'on oit le cerf bruire (Ps. 42) 09. Sus mon ame qu'on benie le souverain (Ps. 146) 10. Te Deum laudamus Composer, organist, organ builder and teacher of international renown, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck was known in his own time as the "Orpheus of Amsterdam." Among his significant contributions to Franco-Flemish polyphony are psalms in French that closely follow the dictates of the Reformation and sacred vocal works in Latin, among which the Magnificat is particularly outstanding. Cappella Amsterdam is a professional chamber choir that was founded in 1970. Over the past few years the ensemble, under the direction of Daniel Reuss, has occupied a prominent position in the field of early music as well as modern and contemporary repertoires.In Calvinist Amsterdam, music was barely used in worship, so Sweelinck’s duties as organist of the Oude Kerk were to provide concert music and compose pieces for domestic performance. This revealing disc contrasts two styles of vocal ensemble, six settings of Psalms in French and four fine pieces of Latin polyphony. The Psalms were familiar as single-line chants and each is introduced here with a unison verse before breaking into Sweelinck’s polyphonic elaboration. They’re largely syllabic, following the tradition of the French Chanson, and Cappella Amsterdam sing them beautifully, though soft consonants and the spacious acoustic of the Walloon Church in Amsterdam slightly cloud their diction. Sweelinck was sparing with word-painting, though instances such as the chromatically falling ‘tears’ of Psalm 42 are striking. The dark sombre mood of the penitential Psalm 130, ‘Out of the deep’, evokes adventurously shifting harmonies which momentarily test the singers’ intonation (supported, the notes affirm, by continuo though, if present, it remains inaudible). The Latin settings use more expansive lines and descriptions – the Magnificat’s ‘rich are sent empty away’ with a lone cadential voice; the ‘hungry’ of the Beatitudes ‘filled’ with multiple repetitions of one motivic fragment. Expressive, affectionate singing of music which closed the polyphonic age in northern Europe.Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck, "the Orpheus of Amsterdam," was active at the beginning of the 17th century. Along with the English madrigalists he was one of the last exponents of polyphony in the Renaissance style. He was equally celebrated for instrumental and vocal music in his own time, but now it is his keyboard pieces (which were diffused as far as England) and viol music that get played most often, and this fine sampling of his sacred vocal music will be a welcome addition to Renaissance collections. Among the more famous composers of sacred music in the late Renaissance the one he resembles most is Lassus: his style is restrained, not especially chromatic, yet highly expressive, with a seemingly inevitable connection between music and text, and long lines that seem to unfold over vast stretches of music in substantial pieces like the beautiful 15-minute Te Deum laudamus at the end. His general style was mapped onto diverse Protestant (Calvinist) and Catholic styles in the religiously tolerant city, which especially in the Protestant sphere also allowed a strong secular orientation: Calvinist services permitted no music, and churches like the Oude Kerk, then as now, often served as concert halls. The CD booklet (with commentary and texts in English, German, and French) illustrated this delightfully with a portrait of Sweelinck in a church crowded with all kinds of people and activities. The French pieces (apparently in French, not Dutch, because Sweelinck preferred the French texts) are psalms based on preexisting melodies; the Canciones Sacrae are Latin Catholic motets with a soberness and expressive intensity that ought to recommend them to any choir. These are played with an unobtrusive continuo of lute and organ, a decision that ought to be explained inasmuch as the booklet stresses the slow adoption of this Italian innovation in the Netherlands. The performances by the mixed-gender adult, 18-voice Cappella Amsterdam are otherwise ideal, with flawless intonation that nevertheless gives the expressive dimension of the music room to breathe.  SPOILER (LOG FILE) | Exact Audio Copy V1.0 beta 1 from 15. November 2010
EAC extraction logfile from 25. April 2011, 2:52
Capella Amsterdam, Daniel Reuss / Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants
Used drive : HL-DT-STDVDRAM GSA-H62N Adapter: 2 ID: 1
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TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:00.00 | 5:26.10 | 0 | 24459 2 | 5:26.10 | 3:24.71 | 24460 | 39830 3 | 8:51.06 | 4:32.73 | 39831 | 60303 4 | 13:24.04 | 5:30.03 | 60304 | 85056 5 | 18:54.07 | 5:52.40 | 85057 | 111496 6 | 24:46.47 | 5:52.21 | 111497 | 137917 7 | 30:38.68 | 3:54.51 | 137918 | 155518 8 | 34:33.44 | 6:47.01 | 155519 | 186044 9 | 41:20.45 | 4:49.20 | 186045 | 207739 10 | 46:09.65 | 15:27.36 | 207740 | 277300
Track 1
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\01 - Resveillez vous chacun fidele (Ps.133).wav
Pre-gap length 0:00:02.00
Peak level 99.9 % Extraction speed 2.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 299C895D Copy CRC 299C895D Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C53709BF] Copy OK
Track 2
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\02 - Qui en la garde du haut Dieu pour jamais se retire (Ps.91).wav
Peak level 63.4 % Extraction speed 2.6 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC E60F496B Copy CRC E60F496B Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [5B5049D0] Copy OK
Track 3
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\03 - Du fonds de ma pensee (Ps.130).wav
Peak level 55.1 % Extraction speed 2.7 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC A17465F2 Copy CRC A17465F2 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [DEDD2A23] Copy OK
Track 4
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\04 - De profundis clamavi ad te Domine.wav
Peak level 71.3 % Extraction speed 2.0 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 01C8BA87 Copy CRC 01C8BA87 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [FAC4BEF0] Copy OK
Track 5
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\05 - Magnificat anima mea Dominum.wav
Peak level 83.9 % Extraction speed 2.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 83E47CC5 Copy CRC 83E47CC5 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [FAA502F7] Copy OK
Track 6
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\06 - Beati pauperes spiritu.wav
Peak level 99.9 % Extraction speed 2.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 00C52BC2 Copy CRC 00C52BC2 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [C67BE65F] Copy OK
Track 7
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\07 - A Dieu ma voix j'ai haussee (Ps.77).wav
Peak level 68.5 % Extraction speed 2.7 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC 6B2BA281 Copy CRC 6B2BA281 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [F6CC9609] Copy OK
Track 8
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\08 - Ainsi qu'on oit le cerf bruire (Ps.42).wav
Peak level 99.9 % Extraction speed 2.9 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC A0DEC003 Copy CRC A0DEC003 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [428ACE7F] Copy OK
Track 9
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\09 - Sus mon ame qu'on benie le souverain (Ps.146).wav
Peak level 69.0 % Extraction speed 2.8 X Track quality 100.0 % Test CRC D9852DCA Copy CRC D9852DCA Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7FAF95E9] Copy OK
Track 10
Filename G:\A\Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck - French Psalms and Sacred Chants (2009) [FLAC]\10 - Te Deum laudamus.wav
Peak level 87.9 % Extraction speed 3.0 X Track quality 99.9 % Test CRC 8DCBA460 Copy CRC 8DCBA460 Accurately ripped (confidence 2) [7FD1DA61] Copy OK
All tracks accurately ripped
No errors occurred
End of status report
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