Other Styles: Comedian Harmonists - Folge 1 & Folge 2 (199?) |
'Eurotrend CD 157.681 & CD 157.955' | Fri, 29 Mar 2013 08:54:47 GMT | Автор: rix |
Артист: |
Comedian Harmonists |
Альбом: |
Folge 1 & Folge 2, 1991 |
Издатель: |
EUROTREND / CD 157.681 & CD 157.955 |
Жанр: |
a-capella, vocal, cabaret, retro |
Формат файла: |
.iso.wv |
Ссылка 1: |
CD 1 |
Ссылка 2: |
CD 2 |
Нахождение: |
Torrent |
Релиз-группа: |
Примечание: |
Просьба не раздавать в eDonkey/Kademlia! |
Disc OneTRACKLIST | 1. Veronika, der Lenz ist da. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:41 2. Wochenend' und Sonnenschein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:14 3. Ali Baba . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:16 4. Ein Freund, ein guter Freund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:19 5. Mein kleiner grüner Kaktus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:18 6. Eine kleine Frühlingsweise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:43 7. Liebling, mein Herz läßt dich grüßen . .03:26 8. Hunderttausendmal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:53 9. Ein neuer Frühling wird in die Heimat kommen. . . . . .03:12 10. So ein Kuß kommt von allein . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:21 11. Ich hab' für dich 'nen Blumentopf bestellt. . . . . . .02:45 12. Die Dorfmusik. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:58 13. Holzhackerlied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:49 14. Hein spielt abends so schön auf dem Schifferklavier . .02:47 15. Jetzt trinken wir noch eins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:52 16. Mein Herz ruft immer nur nach Dir - o Marita . . . . . . . .02:55 17. Ein Lied geht um die Welt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:12 18. Auf dem Heuboden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:13 19. An der schönen blauen Donau . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:22 20. Auf Wiederseh'n, My Dear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:23
20 / 00:00:57:48 / 215,53 MB Disc TwoTRACKLIST | 1. Perpetuum Mobile. . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:38 2. Maskenball im Gänsestall . . . . . . .02:47 3. Wie wär's mit Lissabon?. . . . . . . .02:52 4. Schöne Lisa. . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:29 5. Ohne Dich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:15 6. Der alte Cowboy . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:21 7. Mein lieber Schatz, bist du aus Spanien . .02:48 8. Halt Dich an mich . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:16 9. In der Bar zum Krokodil . . . . . . . . . .03:05 10. Die Liebe kommt, die Liebe geht . . . . . .03:15 11. Schöne Isabella aus Kastillien . . . .03:26 12. Wenn der Wind weht über das Meer . . .03:05 13. Eins, zwei, drei, vier. . . . . . . . . . .02:36 14. Der Onkel Bumba aus Kalumba . . . . . . . .02:28 15. Hallo, was machst Du heut' Daisy? . . . . .02:46 16. Das ist die Liebe der Matrosen. . . . . . .03:17 17. Tea For Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02:39 18. Whispering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03:11 19. Ungarischer Tanz Nr. 5. . . . . . . . . . .02:39 20. Lebewohl, gute Reise. . . . . . . . . . . .02:49
20 / 00:00:58:51 / 242,61 MB SPOILER (ABOUT) | biography~by Richie Unterberger With three tenors, a baritone, a bass, and pianist Erwin Bootz, the Comedian Harmonists took early twentieth century American vocal harmony music and gave it a European, almost Teutonic sensibility. With an eclectic repertoire that took in jazz, pop, film, opera, and cabaret tunes, they were popular in Germany in the early 1930s, as well as other parts of Europe. Leader Harry Frommerman worked out demanding vocal parts for the band that shifted throughout the song, setting them apart from many other popular vocal groups of those and future times. The Comedian Harmonists were torn apart as the 1930s progressed. Three of them were Jewish, and they were asked by the Nazis to stop singing Jewish melodies before getting blacklisted. The Jews in the Comedian Harmonists left for Austria, and both they and the other trio tried to keep the group going with replacements. Several decades after their prime, a cult grew around them that included such unlikely converts as rock critic Lester Bangs and top folk and rock producer Joe Boyd, who oversaw the first officially licensed compilation of their work in the US on Hannibal in 1999. There have also been a film (The Harmonists) and a Broadway musical (Band in Berlin) inspired by the group's story. allmusic.com |
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 8. September 2010, 16:57
Comedian Harmonists / Folge 1
Used drive : Optiarc DVD RW AD-5200A Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 48 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 896 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\wavpack-4.60.1\wavpack.exe Additional command line options : -hlm %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:01.00 | 2:41.17 | 75 | 12166 2 | 2:42.17 | 3:14.21 | 12167 | 26737 3 | 5:56.38 | 3:16.46 | 26738 | 41483 4 | 9:13.09 | 2:19.71 | 41484 | 51979 5 | 11:33.05 | 2:18.10 | 51980 | 62339 6 | 13:51.15 | 2:43.52 | 62340 | 74616 7 | 16:34.67 | 3:26.72 | 74617 | 90138 8 | 20:01.64 | 2:53.65 | 90139 | 103178 9 | 22:55.54 | 3:12.28 | 103179 | 117606 10 | 26:08.07 | 2:21.02 | 117607 | 128183 11 | 28:29.09 | 2:45.36 | 128184 | 140594 12 | 31:14.45 | 2:58.02 | 140595 | 153946 13 | 34:12.47 | 2:49.30 | 153947 | 166651 14 | 37:02.02 | 2:47.15 | 166652 | 179191 15 | 39:49.17 | 2:52.07 | 179192 | 192098 16 | 42:41.24 | 2:55.51 | 192099 | 205274 17 | 45:37.00 | 2:12.49 | 205275 | 215223 18 | 47:49.49 | 3:13.42 | 215224 | 229740 19 | 51:03.16 | 3:22.19 | 229741 | 244909 20 | 54:25.35 | 3:23.46 | 244910 | 260180
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\NewRips\Comedian Harmonists - Folge 1\Comedian Harmonists - Folge 1.wav
Peak level 98.2 % Range quality 99.9 % Test CRC 24FEA8D7 Copy CRC 24FEA8D7 Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary Track 1 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [D1843C59] Track 2 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [05536F88] Track 3 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [591276F8] Track 4 accurately ripped (confidence 7) [25648B80] Track 5 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [2FE05C01] Track 6 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [9AC308BD] Track 7 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [493826EB] Track 8 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [CEA58B6D] Track 9 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [D98979F6] Track 10 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A99321F3] Track 11 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A3445D90] Track 12 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [3577DD34] Track 13 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [D0AE10CF] Track 14 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [A933CD75] Track 15 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [D849FB38] Track 16 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [2D0D5E29] Track 17 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [EB5795D2] Track 18 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [0C3CFF65] Track 19 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [02C291FE] Track 20 accurately ripped (confidence 8) [E96FF487] All tracks accurately ripped
End of status report
CD 2
Exact Audio Copy V0.99 prebeta 5 from 4. May 2009
EAC extraction logfile from 8. September 2010, 17:55
Comedian Harmonists / Folge 2
Used drive : Optiarc DVD RW AD-5200A Adapter: 1 ID: 0
Read mode : Secure Utilize accurate stream : Yes Defeat audio cache : Yes Make use of C2 pointers : No
Read offset correction : 48 Overread into Lead-In and Lead-Out : No Fill up missing offset samples with silence : Yes Delete leading and trailing silent blocks : No Null samples used in CRC calculations : Yes Used interface : Installed external ASPI interface
Used output format : User Defined Encoder Selected bitrate : 896 kBit/s Quality : High Add ID3 tag : No Command line compressor : C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\wavpack-4.60.1\wavpack.exe Additional command line options : -hlm %s
TOC of the extracted CD
Track | Start | Length | Start sector | End sector --------------------------------------------------------- 1 | 0:01.00 | 2:38.52 | 75 | 11976 2 | 2:39.52 | 2:47.09 | 11977 | 24510 3 | 5:26.61 | 2:52.36 | 24511 | 37446 4 | 8:19.22 | 2:29.03 | 37447 | 48624 5 | 10:48.25 | 3:15.25 | 48625 | 63274 6 | 14:03.50 | 3:21.14 | 63275 | 78363 7 | 17:24.64 | 2:48.19 | 78364 | 90982 8 | 20:13.08 | 3:16.30 | 90983 | 105712 9 | 23:29.38 | 3:05.54 | 105713 | 119641 10 | 26:35.17 | 3:15.63 | 119642 | 134329 11 | 29:51.05 | 3:26.21 | 134330 | 149800 12 | 33:17.26 | 3:05.51 | 149801 | 163726 13 | 36:23.02 | 2:36.52 | 163727 | 175478 14 | 38:59.54 | 2:28.67 | 175479 | 186645 15 | 41:28.46 | 2:46.19 | 186646 | 199114 16 | 44:14.65 | 3:17.56 | 199115 | 213945 17 | 47:32.46 | 2:39.73 | 213946 | 225943 18 | 50:12.44 | 3:11.25 | 225944 | 240293 19 | 53:23.69 | 2:39.73 | 240294 | 252291 20 | 56:03.67 | 2:49.05 | 252292 | 264971
Range status and errors
Selected range
Filename C:\NewRips\Comedian Harmonists - Folge 2\Comedian Harmonists - Folge 2.wav
Peak level 97.9 % Range quality 100.0 % Test CRC 3E680920 Copy CRC 3E680920 Copy OK
No errors occurred
AccurateRip summary Track 1 not present in database Track 2 not present in database Track 3 not present in database Track 4 not present in database Track 5 not present in database Track 6 not present in database Track 7 not present in database Track 8 not present in database Track 9 not present in database Track 10 not present in database Track 11 not present in database Track 12 not present in database Track 13 not present in database Track 14 not present in database Track 15 not present in database Track 16 not present in database Track 17 not present in database Track 18 not present in database Track 19 not present in database Track 20 not present in database None of the tracks are present in the AccurateRip database
End of status report |
SPOILER (CHECKERS) | SPOILER (CUETools LOG) | [CUETools log; Date: 27.10.2010 20:51:56; Version: 2.0.9] Pregap length 00:01:00. [CTDB TOCID: WAoIhM2OliIHkEyGYGS7AQQxGaA-] disk not present in database. [AccurateRip ID: 00292486-025b4751-280d8c14] found. Track [ CRC ] Status 01 [d1843c59] (7/7) Accurately ripped 02 [05536f88] (7/7) Accurately ripped 03 [591276f8] (8/8) Accurately ripped 04 [25648b80] (7/7) Accurately ripped 05 [2fe05c01] (8/8) Accurately ripped 06 [9ac308bd] (8/8) Accurately ripped 07 [493826eb] (8/8) Accurately ripped 08 [cea58b6d] (8/8) Accurately ripped 09 [d98979f6] (8/8) Accurately ripped 10 [a99321f3] (8/8) Accurately ripped 11 [a3445d90] (8/8) Accurately ripped 12 [3577dd34] (8/8) Accurately ripped 13 [d0ae10cf] (8/8) Accurately ripped 14 [a933cd75] (8/8) Accurately ripped 15 [d849fb38] (8/8) Accurately ripped 16 [2d0d5e29] (8/8) Accurately ripped 17 [eb5795d2] (8/8) Accurately ripped 18 [0c3cff65] (8/8) Accurately ripped 19 [02c291fe] (8/8) Accurately ripped 20 [e96ff487] (8/8) Accurately ripped
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ] -- 98,2 [24FEA8D7] [F1920B53] CRC32 01 98,2 [076D2D94] [464136D4] 02 98,2 [4A28CF6F] [058FB996] 03 98,2 [8E1EFFF5] [860A52EB] 04 98,2 [FE1EABF6] [4E3A81DD] 05 98,2 [EC1C6EC2] [DCD825AA] 06 98,2 [06727D41] [50B51C9A] 07 98,2 [B2ED4DFA] [CD1E2214] 08 98,2 [8C037C8F] [A3F97449] 09 98,2 [75F2063E] [FBBB9B15] 10 98,2 [35E1937C] [0DDE2663] 11 98,2 [F2B1CF1F] [1825BA49] 12 98,2 [21AB1B34] [665894D3] 13 98,2 [BBDA15D9] [15FAEC99] 14 98,2 [EE2A7DF2] [543F5D27] 15 98,2 [DEAA1E37] [FAB97E23] 16 98,2 [370A1B4F] [30E364EC] 17 98,2 [353D517C] [4BC97199] 18 98,2 [0584C629] [AC70C332] 19 98,2 [6CD4ACE2] [CEE664B5] 20 89,2 [211F7DF4] [6F0D5A12]
*** *** ***
[CUETools log; Date: 27.10.2010 22:02:27; Version: 2.0.9] Pregap length 00:01:00. [CTDB TOCID: i3QRMMDC4_R5dpBTfCV0ziqoR38-] disk not present in database. [AccurateRip ID: 002a8756-0271eb37-0e0dcb14] disk not present in database.
Track Peak [ CRC32 ] [W/O NULL] [ LOG ] -- 97,9 [3E680920] [7CC147FC] CRC32 01 94,9 [F2114679] [FB937511] 02 94,9 [B47F1740] [AC7F2070] 03 94,9 [F36B99C6] [CAA56E88] 04 94,9 [7CDA80C6] [514843C8] 05 94,9 [64E37C44] [22B76916] 06 94,9 [61986E84] [F2B070CD] 07 94,9 [FCAF3653] [DFF824C2] 08 84,6 [EA15A342] [B151C32B] 09 97,9 [3C3C3B9C] [E8EC4441] 10 97,7 [640F25D9] [270EA334] 11 97,7 [032CF375] [BC20BCB3] 12 97,7 [AAE00D54] [1DA6C209] 13 97,7 [BBBBFD95] [EF6AC464] 14 97,7 [38FDBEF3] [37EB88BA] 15 97,7 [013295B4] [6773B089] 16 94,9 [6559A151] [ACCB72FD] 17 94,9 [0FCEE387] [7D9C2342] 18 94,9 [4487502F] [FD498AB5] 19 94,9 [19AF6EB2] [EA994C87] 20 97,7 [EEB96A21] [FBCE0945] |