Domenico Cimarosa - Requiem (Naxos, 8.572371), Capella Istropolitana, Lucnica Chorus, Kirk Trevor - conductor
 kgkk Member is Offline
 Posted: 08-08-2011, 21:06 (post 1, #1026792)

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Capella Istropolitana, Lucnica Chorus, Kirk Trevor - conductor - Domenico Cimarosa - Requiem
Артист: Capella Istropolitana, Lucnica Chorus, Kirk Trevor - conductor
Альбом: Domenico Cimarosa - Requiem, 2010
Издатель: Naxos / 8.572371
Жанр: Classical
Формат файла: EAC / FLAC / CUE / LOG
Ссылка: CD
Нахождение: Torrent

Domenico Cimarosa (1749 - 1801)


Label: Naxos, 8.572371
Year: 2010


Marianna Gazdikova - organ

Adriana Kucerova - soprano
Terezia Kruzliakova - alto
Ludovit Ludha - tenor
Gustav Belacek - bass

Lucnica Chorus
Elena Matusova - chorus-master

Capella Istropolitana
Kirk Trevor - conductor


01. Requiem aeternam
02. Kyrie
03. In memoria aeterna
04. Dies irae
05. Tuba mirum
06. Mors stupebit
07. Judex ergo
08. Rex tremendae
09. Recordare
10. Ingemisco
11. Preces meae
12. Inter oves
13. Lacrimosa
14. Offertorio: Domine Jesu
15. Sanctus
16. Benedictus
17. Agnus Dei
18. Lux aeterna

Total Time: 51:09

Neapolitan composer Domenico Cimarosa started out as a church musician, but made his name in opera. His skills earned him court appointments, and one of them, in the mid-1780s, from Catherine the Great of Russia. It was for her court, to memorialize a deceased French ambassador, that this Requiem in G minor for soloists, chorus, and orchestra was composed in 1787. Taken for what it is, without expectation that it will much resemble Mozart’s or Haydn’s church music, it’s an attractive work...some very operatic arias where you sense that Cimarosa was in his element. Most of them offer long, sustained melodies that can hold their own with the solos in Mozart’s Vesperae solennes de confessore, K. 339, and other choral music of the period. Sample the lovely alto solo setting of the "Judex ergo" (track 7), given a creamy reading by Terezia Kruzliakova. The vocal performance standards on this Eastern European release are uniformly high, and the smooth overall texture forged by American conductor Kirk Trevor, leading the venerable Capella Istropolitana, does the job in putting the soloists front and center. Mozart might easily have had this or other requiem settings in his head when composing his ultimate masterpiece, and anyone curious about Cimarosa’s sacred output can be encouraged to give this album a try.

Domenico Cimarosa’s abilities as an operatic composer are evident in his large-scale Requiem in which the soloists and chorus range from the mournful supplication of the opening movements, through vivid evocations of the ‘day of wrath’ and the praises uttered by the heavenly hosts in the Sanctus, to the prayers for mercy, peace and eternal light which conclude the work. Composed to commemorate the death in 1787 of the wife of the French ambassador in St Petersburg, its overall character is one of classical restraint.

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This post has been edited by kgkk on 08-08-2011, 21:10
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 Siget Member is Offline
 Posted: 09-08-2011, 08:08 (post 2, #1026827)


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Замечательное исполнение :rolleyes: . kgkk, спасибо! твои релизы всегда супер :hi:
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