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> шара-дот-ком пропал, кто-нить что знает?
 Lord KiRon Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 17:08 (post 31, #240255)

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А вот мой любимый линк по ТВ : , во всём что касается ТВ релизов покруче реактора .
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 Lord KiRon Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 20:28 (post 32, #240292)

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Всё , закрыли Реактор суки sad.gif

News has finally broke regarding the sudden shut down of ShareReactor. It appears the Swiss Judical Inquiry Department of Thurgau has taken the site down due to copyright infringement. We will have more news on this fluid situation as it comes in.

This post has been edited by Lord KiRon on 16-03-2004, 20:31
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 Zemlynin Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 21:08 (post 33, #240301)

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newest/ranting2.gif Жаль
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 mts Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 21:26 (post 34, #240308)

штатный нетлабовский телепат

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Пока это только расследование. Так что есть шансы... newest/worthy.gif
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 Lord KiRon Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 21:41 (post 35, #240313)

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А я бы если бы можно было ему бы с десяток долоров подкинул , ну там на адвокатов и т.д.
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 Power User Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 22:55 (post 36, #240331)


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где же мы теперь харчеваться будем (с) ?
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 astra Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 23:06 (post 37, #240340)

The Introvert

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QUOTE (Power User @ 16-03-2004, 19:55)
где же мы теперь харчеваться будем (с) ?

Вот и я задаюсь тем-же самым вопросом ...
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 LF_ Member is Offline
 Posted: 16-03-2004, 23:47 (post 38, #240351)

Hand of Doom
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To everyone in the ed2k community

As everyone is probably aware of now, ShareReactor has been taken down by the Swiss authorities.
This was done at the request of several big Multimedia companies, who filed a complaint.
SimonMoon has been detained and questioned by the authorities. His house has been raided and searched for evidence.
The SR servers and some personal hardware have been confiscated.

We will address some basic things now.

Is SR dead forever now?
We don't know. This is a serious situation, not only for SimonMoon, but for everyone who has something to do with SR.
If SimonMoon prevails in this case, we think he will continue SR. ShareReactor has been his hobby (not his job) for
the past 3 years. Through all the setbacks and complaints he never gave up. One and a half years ago his house was
searched as well, he has received threats, phonecalls and cease and desist letters on a weekly basis, and he never
cut and ran. So if he makes it through this, chances are SR will continue in some form. However, if he loses this
case, he is in serious trouble, and SR will most likely be history.

Why doesn't SimonMoon tell us this himself?
SimonMoon is under official investigations. It is very likely that he has been told not to communicate with anyone,
in order not to hinder the investigation. Or maybe because he is seen as a suspect and cannot talk because of that.
Or perhaps they want to stop him from telling other people what they should do. Who knows.

So now what?
Now we do what we have been doing. We wait for more information. And hope it all works out.

What else can we do??
People on various forums have suggested donating money for SimonMoon's legal expenses.
We like that idea, because we want to do something to help SimonMoon through this. The problem is that for that
to happen we need to be sure that he wants it, that his lawyer is ok with it, and that we have someone trustworthy
to collect the money. We will post updates if we worked out a way to do this. Before people start complaining about
asking for donations again, SimonMoon did spend the money on a new line, but the SDSL company is a bit crappy. And that
was the best Switzerland had to offer. As for the forum server, ironically it was finally assembled and ready for testing
early last week. Let's hope we'll see it working someday.
Thanks to everyone who suggested donating money for a lawyer. This is not only about SR, this is about the future of many
p2p sites. If SR wins this, then things look a lot brighter than if SR loses and dies. This case will set a precedent for
the future.

Some general notes:

To everyone who said that SimonMoon ran with the money, it may be nice to know that so far SR has only cost SimonMoon a
lot of money. But it was his project so he accepted that. But the kind of hardware needed for the forum required a
We can only hope that an official press release will stop the ridiculous conspiracy theories about SimonMoon.
It has been very hard to stay calm and quiet while people publicly trash your friend like that. He didn't deserve to be
treated like that. People even posted his address and phone number publicly. How low can you go? Imagine how you would
like it if suddenly everybody with an Internet connection can find your home and can call you in the middle of the night?
Also, imagine how it must have been for him to read all that, after he was detained and questioned, after his house was
raided and emptied by the police. We want to show SimonMoon our full support, and we truly hope this will all end well.
If you want to talk about all this, join SR IRC at, #sharereactor.

Kind regards,

The ShareReactor Crew
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 Xman Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-03-2004, 00:57 (post 39, #240374)


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Posts: 169
Нашли тоже где сервак и откуда этим делом заправлять newest/laugh.gif В Швеции или Швейцарии newest/laugh.gif Они бы ещё прямо у RIAA и подобных компаний хостинга попросили...

Для таких сайтов надо сервак стаить где нибудь на Кубе или в Индии и тогда бы всякие Swiss authorities сосали бы по полной программе.... newest/fuyou_2.gif

Так и вспоминается Задоронов они там на западе ну все тупыыые smile.gif
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 Linuxer Member is Offline
   Posted: 17-03-2004, 01:10 (post 40, #240377)


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Да интересная история, хех остаёться только надеяться что SimonMoon ничего нелегально не хранил у себя домаsmile.gif
То есть имхо, всё что РИАА узнает это только определённая информация о юзерах на форуме шары. А ссылки на файлы, всегда были у всех на виду, то есть в данном плане создателя сайта нельзя ни в чём обвинить. smile.gif
Хех, думаю это была психологическая атака, и РИАА безусловно проиграет!
Вообще, если я не ошибаюсь то создательница Шары, погибла в автокатострофе два года назад, имхо P2P щас больше чем просто закачка фильмов и игр smile.gif

This post has been edited by Linuxer on 17-03-2004, 01:11
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 Lord KiRon Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-03-2004, 01:29 (post 41, #240384)

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Во первых ^RIAA^ тут не причём , во вторых Швейцария как раз имеет самые мягкие (или точнее сказать неопределёные) законы во всей Европе ибо она не член Евросоюза.
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 Xman Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-03-2004, 01:33 (post 42, #240385)


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Lord KiRon
во вторых Швейцария как раз имеет самые мягкие (или точнее сказать неопределёные) законы во всей Европе ибо она не член Евросоюза.

Америка тоже не член евросоюза...... но как мы знаем там настала многим полная ж...а за то что они просто качали файлы а не держали такой сайт как шара.ком
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 Xman Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-03-2004, 01:38 (post 43, #240387)


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Posts: 169
Во первых ^RIAA^ тут не причём

Если кто не понял риаа была приведена как один из примеров активных борцов естественно к закрытию шаре может она и не имеет отношения но есть и другие подобные организации и т.п
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 FiL Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-03-2004, 02:11 (post 44, #240396)

Сварливый Мозг Клуба
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QUOTE (Xman @ 16-03-2004, 17:33)
а за то что они просто качали файлы а не держали такой сайт как шара.ком

А вот не факт, что держать файлы меньшее нарушение. Скорее большее.
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 muaddib Member is Offline
 Posted: 17-03-2004, 10:34 (post 45, #240459)

Kwizatz Haderach
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QUOTE (FiL @ 16-03-2004, 23:11)
QUOTE (Xman @ 16-03-2004, 17:33)
а за то что они просто качали файлы а не держали такой сайт как шара.ком

А вот не факт, что держать файлы меньшее нарушение. Скорее большее.

так как раз они в штатах только тех судили кто эти файлы не посредственно у себя держал и распострянял их, а за линки думаю судить по нарушению авторских прав нельзя. сами посудите, шара их только публикует и никто ни кого не заставляет ими пользоваться.
давайте надеятся что и на этот раз все обойдется и Р2Р победит!
очень уж хочется поскорее на шару вернутся.
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