> Elvenking 2004 "WYRD", melodic folk/power metal
 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-05-2004, 17:33 (post 1, #259748)

зломбный релизомби

Group: News makers
Posts: 5600

Альбом:WYRD, 2004
Жанр:melodic folk/power metal
Формат файла:EAC/APE3.97/rar
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Примечание:очень интересный альбом. рекомендую для многократного прослушивания.

01. The Losers' Ball
02. Pathfinders
03. Jigsaw Puzzle
04. The Silk Dilemma
05. Disappearing Sands (ltd. edition bonus track)
06. Moonchariot
07. The Perpetual Knot
08. Another Haven
09. A Fiery Stride (ltd. edition bonus track)
10. Midnight Circus
11. A Poem For The Firmament

Release: 19.04.2004
Label: AFM Records
Similar bands: Tuatha De Danann, Cruachan

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Vocals: Kleid
Guitars: Aydan
Guitars: Jarpen
Bass: Gorlan
Drums: Zender
Keyboards/Violins: Elyghen


Elvenking are formed in October 1997, iniziative of the guitarists Aydan and Jarpen (once known as Dag'or'dil), old friends who share the same passion for metal music and for folkloristic traditions. The line-up problems the group has to face in the early months are numerous, as are also the changes in formation which impede the continuos activity of the band. In March 1998, the singer Damnagoras joins the band and only in the following September the group finds a definite stability with the arrival of Zender (once known as Stormgald) on the drums.
Right from the beginning, Elvenking set themselves the objective of finding a formula which can combine metal, folk music and extreme sounds in a unique mixture, with lyrics based on the pagan worship of nature and on the tradition of folkloristic fairy-tales. After considerable live experience, the band realises that the time is right to start thinking about recording a "promo" that may arouse the interest of record labels. It is at this time that the band loses the bass player Sargon, in the band since it was first formed, due to musical divergences. At such a delicate moment, the group starts looking for a valid substitute, however without success.

By now, it's almost time to record the promo and the search for a new bass player is abandoned for the time being. The CD is recorded with a four-member line-up with Damnagoras in the double role of vocalist/bass player (solution also used in concert). The recordings take place at "New Sin Audio Design" at Loria, near Treviso (Italy), studios where bands such as Labyrinth, White Skull, Domine, Eldritch have recorded. "To Oak Woods Bestowed" is the result of nine days of recordings and includes five tracks which represent Elvenking's product from their debut up to today.
In the CD there are older songs, like the concluding "Under the Tree of Us'dum", one of the first tracks written by the band, and other more recent compositions which show the evolving of the group in a precise direction. The demo CD aroused the interest of the record labels: after pondering the offers received, these folks decided to sign for AFM records, German label of Edguy, Avantasia, Steel Attack, Paradox, Squealer etc...

On the other hand, the new compositions of the band which will appear on the debut album "Heathenreel" show an "extreme" evolution inasmuch as the new sound-development focuses on the contrast between folk melodies (with the use of classical instruments such as flutes and fiddles) and aggressive riffs . Moreover, the new material tries to moderate the excessive time/structure-changes, with the objective to be more straight even if always part of the originary "folk-aggressive metal" of the band.

Meanwhile Elvenking enriched their sound with the entry of a new bass player: Gorlan. Friend of Aydan and Jarpen, he first came into the band as a session player, then he joined Elvenking permanently as a member at all effects.Some really good names are involved in the realisation of the debut album called "Heathenreel". It's been recorded at New Sin Audio Design by Luigi Stefanini and mixed at Fredman Studios by Fredrik Nordstrom. The cover artwork has been made by Travis Smith and the band logo designed by J.P. Fournier (Avantasia, Immortal, ...)

After a period of decisions, arrangemets and few news, Elvenking are finally proud to announce the setting of the new line-up.
Singer KLEID joined the elves after a long period of trial, during which he showed he had what it takes to do the job properly! He already recorded the preproduction demos of the NEW ALBUM, and the results are amazing!
More than this, the sound is enriched by ELYGHEN's violin and keyboards, which will define brand new folk atmospheres. Elyghen already helped the band in "Heathenreel", recording the violin tunes. Everyone in the group is happy to have these folks on board, we're sure they are totally fit for the band, both as musicians and as individuals.

Elvenking ended the songwriting process for the new album, which is truly what everyone in the band hoped for. Some titles are "Pathfinders", "Jigsaw Puzzle", "The perpetual knot", "Midnight Circus", "The moonchariot". Hopefully we will enter the studio in January. The new album shows the evolution of all the characteristics of our sound. The new material, which is a bit straighter than Heathenreel's, will have all the great melodies, the folk touch and the aggressiveness as trademarks of the elves, but the whole will be developed in more mature way, with a lot of different feelings and emotions.
After so much time spent in songwriting, we're completely satisfied of the songs as they are.

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A couple of years later it finally happens: Elvenking’s second album ‘Wyrd’ is in stores, so time for me to get this album. When I first listened to it, I was a bit disappointed, but after a couple of listening sessions it becomes clear that ‘Wyrd’ is that kind of album which must grow while listening it more often and after a couple of times I learned to appreciate this album more and more. Elvenking has changed its line-up in the past three years, and so it became that singer Damnagoras, which we all know from Heathenreel, is replaced by Kleid. Unbelievable, but Kleid just sounds like Damnagoras, so the loss of Elvenking’s previous singer isn’t a tragic one. In a song like ‘Moonchariot’ Kleids voice sound a bit complaining and that’s one thing I did not hear on Heathenreel. With ‘Wyrd’ Elvenking proves they developed their own style and this powermetalband is definitely one of a kind. They improved their musical skills and especially the folk parts; they are more beautiful, cheerful and believable. They have used classical instruments like violins, and that is certainly an acquisition. This album is a logical successor of ‘Heathenreel’ and in some parts not quite renewing. Songs like ‘Midnight Cross’ and ‘The Silk Dilemma’ are absolute great songs, but still there isn’t the magic of songs like ‘Pagan Purity’ and ‘White Willow’. Definitely the best song of ‘Wyrd’ is bonustrack ‘A Fiery Stride’. This song is fucking great! And that proves that Elvenking can make music and they do it on their very own way. If you like powermetal with folk influences, just go and get this album. Once again; although their first album is much better, this album is worth listening and can become an appreciated album on itself.

Inge Daamen

для тех, кто хочет помочь с раздачей - к утру будет на фтп..
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 Posted: 10-05-2004, 23:08 (post 2, #259875)


О-о-о,да,таки достал! Ну ,честь тебе и хвала!
Продолжаем тему народной музыки biggrin.gif.
Помогать БУДУ! smile.gif
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 piligrim Member is Offline
 Posted: 10-05-2004, 23:18 (post 3, #259884)


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места на диске нету но качаться поставил rolleyes.gif
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 Marooned Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-05-2004, 09:45 (post 4, #260014)


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места на диске нету но качаться поставил

Та же самая проблема...

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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-05-2004, 12:13 (post 5, #260047)

зломбный релизомби

Group: News makers
Posts: 5600
у меня тоже нету user posted image
но, имхо, это стоит того, чтобы иметь немного места... newest/punk.gif

всем - на здоровье smile.gif
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 Сергей Иванович Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-05-2004, 16:38 (post 6, #260108)


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А вот у меня почти никогда не было особых проблем с местом. Я стараюсь всё планировать и вовремя скидывать на болванки. Вот с чем у меня проблема есть, так это с тем, что я укачался и услушался музыкой... Но этот альбом я скорее всего скачаю. Чуть попозже только. smile.gif
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 11-05-2004, 17:30 (post 7, #260136)

зломбный релизомби

Group: News makers
Posts: 5600
QUOTE (Sergey Overkill @ 11-05-2004, 14:38)
А вот у меня почти никогда не было особых проблем с местом. Я стараюсь всё планировать и вовремя скидывать на болванки. Вот с чем у меня проблема есть, так это с тем, что я укачался и услушался музыкой... Но этот альбом я скорее всего скачаю. Чуть попозже только. smile.gif

нет, ну все-таки Sergey Overkill у нас подпольный слушатель Бу....поетому и укачивает его из-под полы ета очаровательная деушка своей...своим чисто праэктом "спи мой малчик малэнкий..." то есть у тебя, Sergey, похоже очень повысилась укачиваемость и услушиваемость под влиянием подпольной звезды... newest/fear2.gif

а не пора ли нам, друзья, замахнуться на нашего с вами, понимаешь, родного Уильяма...то есть Фридом Кола....? newest/devil_2.gif

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Freedom Call - Live Invasion [Live]
10 May 2004

Disc 1:

01. Eyes of the World
02. Freedom Call
03. Tears of Taragon
04. Heart of the Rainbow
05. The Quest
06. Land of Light
07. Metal Invasion
08. Rise Up
09. We Are One
10. Warriors
11. Hymn to the Brave

Disc 2:

01. Warriors of Light
02. Dancing With Tears In My Eyes
03. Heart of the Brave
04. Kingdom Come
05. Tears of Taragon (Story Version)
06. Hiroshima
07. Dr. Stein
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 Posted: 11-05-2004, 23:29 (post 8, #260302)


Я видимо чегой-то, гдей-то упустил,sanbo, мне бы это, пароль,а то ну никак дальше без оного smile.gif
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-05-2004, 00:46 (post 9, #260338)

зломбный релизомби

Group: News makers
Posts: 5600
QUOTE (Count @ 11-05-2004, 21:29)
Я видимо чегой-то, гдей-то упустил,sanbo, мне бы это, пароль,а то ну никак дальше без оного smile.gif

в "подземелье" релизерском разделе я написал тынц
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 Vedmak Member is Offline
 Posted: 12-05-2004, 01:11 (post 10, #260352)

Одинокий Воин

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буду очень рад всему что ты релизнешь newest/punk.gif
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 Vedmak Member is Offline
 Posted: 14-05-2004, 00:29 (post 11, #261043)

Одинокий Воин

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слушаю кйаф ловлю просто класно newest/punk.gif
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 Сергей Иванович Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-05-2004, 20:33 (post 12, #264708)


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Posts: 5196
Ну вот, паузу я отпустил - мул нашёл с два десятка источников. Значит есть все шансы скачать. Спасибо добрым людям и доброму релизеру sanbo! smile.gif
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 Сергей Иванович Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-05-2004, 21:24 (post 13, #267188)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 5196
Ну вот, оторвался я на минутку от Морровинда, гляжу - скачалось и даже успело отдаться в трёхкратном размере... Решил послушать. Ну, мне представлялось всё совершенно другим. Но то, чем всё оказалось на самом деле, мне очень даже нравится. smile.gif
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 sanbo Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-05-2004, 23:00 (post 14, #267234)

зломбный релизомби

Group: News makers
Posts: 5600
QUOTE (Sergey Overkill @ 30-05-2004, 19:24)
Ну вот, оторвался я на минутку от Морровинда, гляжу - скачалось и даже успело отдаться в трёхкратном размере... Решил послушать. Ну, мне представлялось всё совершенно другим. Но то, чем всё оказалось на самом деле, мне очень даже нравится. smile.gif

приятно слышать, хотя я был почти уверен, что многим гурманам понравится... smile.gif
Sergey, интересно, а в чем разница, между тем, что ты ожидал и что услышал?
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 Сергей Иванович Member is Offline
 Posted: 05-06-2004, 09:00 (post 15, #269362)


Group: Prestige
Posts: 5196
Sergey, интересно, а в чем разница, между тем, что ты ожидал и что услышал?

Так и не скажешь... Предощущения - это что-то такое эфирно-неуловимое, неописуемое словами... rolleyes.gif Хотя кое-что описать могу. Например того, что будут порыкивания (хорошо вписывающиеся в музыку, кстати), я не ожидал. smile.gif
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