> Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Berlin Night (Bootle, [Rock] 2002 The Rising Tour [EAC Ape - Cue]
 Burgman400 Member is Offline
 Posted: 29-08-2004, 18:59 (post 1, #295499)


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Posts: 90

Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - Berlin Night (2002 The Rising Tour)

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Artist - Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band

Album title - Berlin Night (Bootleg)

Data of release - 20/10/02

Genre - Rock

Styles - Album Rock, Pop/Rock, Rock & Roll, Singer/Songwriter

Time - CD 1: 79.33 m.; CD 2: 79.26 m.

Compression - Ape (3.97, Extra High) EAC V0.95 pb4

Rip - Burgman400

Distribution - Team BGM

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CD - 1


The Rising

Lonesome Day

The Ties That Bind

Atlantic City

Empty Sky

You're Missing

Waitin' On A Sunny Day

No Surrender

Two Hearts

Worlds Apart


She's The One


Mary's Place

CD - 2

Countin' On A Miracle

The Promise (Solo Piano)

Incident On A 57th Street (Solo Piano)

Into The Fire

Dancing In The Dark


Born To Run

My City Of Ruins

Born In The U.S.A.

Land Of Hope And Dreams

Thunder Road

Excepcional doble cd de "The Boss" con la E Street Band de la gira The Rising 2002, "editado" por Crystal Cat Records "discografica" especializada en "Bootlegs" de Bruce y que ha sacado al mercado la practica totalidad de los conciertos de las giras 2002 y 2003 (solo 1.000 unidades). Con respecto a la calidad solo puedo deciros que no he oido en mi vida un "bootleg" asi: 10 sobre 10. Los que lo bajeis ya me direis, seguro que vais a "flipar". Van (como es costumbre en mis "releases") incluidas las caratulas y libreto (increibles).

CD - Bruce Springteen - Berlin Night (2002 Live Tour) [Bootleg] [EAC Ape - Cue] + Covers (Por Burgman400).rar 5 clicks

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