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 SACDIOPHILO Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-05-2008, 22:34 (post 1, #838577)


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Posts: 18
Hi, I am copying my entire cd collection in DVD Audio using a DVD Audio author program, and I noticed a better sound, better bass and better dynamics than with the original, has anyone noticed the same?
I started to record my cd´s in DVD audio becouse I can fit in one DVD 5 to 7 cd´s with all the covers and info I want to wach during the reproduction. :D:
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 SACDIOPHILO Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-05-2008, 22:58 (post 2, #838581)


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For those of you interested my hardware setup is:

Digital source: Denon DVD 2900
Preamp multichanel processor: Rotel rsp 960
Power amp multichanel: Rotel RB 985 for center/surround
Stereo power amp: Rotel RB 1080 front left/right
Front laudspeakers: Dynaudio Contour 1.8 mkII
Rear : Dynaudio Contour 1.3 MkII
Center: Dynaudio Contour center
Sub: Sunfire D-10
Videoprojector: Sony Vlp 10ht
Lcd: Polaroid 32 inch

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 TocTep Member is Offline
 Posted: 18-05-2008, 23:59 (post 3, #838592)


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Nice gear :)
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 simi63 Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2008, 04:03 (post 4, #838605)


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I need to do the same thing that you did, cause I have a great problem with the space to my records.

Please wich program you use to transfer your CDs to DVD?

I'm with DVD Audio Creator, but I really don't know if it is the best program.

Thank you.

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 Mordenkainen Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2008, 09:06 (post 5, #838613)


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SACDIOPHILO, i think that's because your digital source is optimized for DVD playback, not CD. As most of the DVD and SACD players are.
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 Гордый Member is Offline
   Posted: 19-05-2008, 12:10 (post 6, #838621)

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QUOTE (simi63 @ 19-05-2008, 03:03)
Please wich program you use to transfer your CDs to DVD?
Best is Cirlinca DVD-Audio Solo :punk:
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 SACDIOPHILO Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2008, 15:36 (post 7, #838645)


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Hi, I use Minnetonka's "Discwelder Bronze" but I am going to try Cirlinca as Гордый sais, here is an interesting report from stereoplay:

Mordenkainen, I think the same as you, cheers
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 burning shadow Member is Offline
 Posted: 19-05-2008, 22:41 (post 8, #838738)


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QUOTE (SACDIOPHILO @ 18-05-2008, 22:34)
Hi, I am copying my entire cd collection in DVD Audio using a DVD Audio author program, and I noticed a better sound, better bass and better dynamics than with the original, has anyone noticed the same?
I started to record my cd´s in DVD audio becouse I can fit in one DVD 5 to 7 cd´s with all the covers and info I want to wach during the reproduction. :D:
If you use lossless unprocessed transfer, this is just impossible. So, I think it is just an "auto-suggestion", don't know if I picked up a right word though. Or else your backups are not 1:1 which isn't good at all.
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 Mordenkainen Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-05-2008, 08:58 (post 9, #838810)


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If you use lossless unprocessed transfer, this is just impossible.
Why impossible? :rolleyes:
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 burning shadow Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-05-2008, 09:41 (post 10, #838817)


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QUOTE (Mordenkainen @ 20-05-2008, 08:58)
If you use lossless unprocessed transfer, this is just impossible.
Why impossible? :rolleyes:
Because it doesn't matter what media is used to store same digital information.
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 schen Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-05-2008, 09:55 (post 11, #838819)


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I noticed a better sound, better bass and better dynamics than with the original, has anyone noticed the same?

it's your imagination only :p:
burning shadow pretty much correct in his explanation.
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 Mordenkainen Member is Offline
 Posted: 20-05-2008, 15:40 (post 12, #838863)


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Because it doesn't matter what media is used to store same digital information.
Если бы все было так просто, то все цифровые источники звучали бы одинаково. Увы.. :(
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 burning shadow Member is Offline
 Posted: 21-05-2008, 08:33 (post 13, #838999)


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QUOTE (Mordenkainen @ 20-05-2008, 15:40)
Because it doesn't matter what media is used to store same digital information.
Если бы все было так просто, то все цифровые источники звучали бы одинаково. Увы.. :(
Все действительно так просто. Разница может быть только в содержимом. Если один и тот же файл записать на CD, DVD, и Blu-Ray, это все равно будет один и тот же файл, байт в байт. И если потом этот файл через цифровой интерфейс подать на один и тот же цифровой процессор (или ресивер), он ну никак не сможет в зависимости от источника по-разному его декодировать.

Я не буду отрицать, что какие-нибудь дешевые аппараты могут вносить какие-то искажения в зависимости от того, с какого источника проигрываются одни и те же цифровые данные, но это уже проблема конкретного аппарата.

Ну и еще вариант - это если CD был записан с preemphasis в расчете на то, что проигрыватель сделает deemphasis. Такой диск действительно будет звучать по-другому, если его просто записать на DVD, да и то только в случае, если CD проигрывается через аналоговый выход аппарата, который это поддерживает.
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 SACDIOPHILO Member is Offline
 Posted: 22-05-2008, 18:58 (post 14, #839239)


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I know the information bit by bit is the same in cd than in dvd audio, the difference is the way my dvd processes this information, possibly it has a better hardware to process dvd audio than cd using a different chip set, thats the only reasson I can find, I have made blind fold comparation and I alway preffer the dvd audio copy than the cd original, cheers.
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 Mihey Member is Offline
 Posted: 24-05-2008, 13:12 (post 15, #839508)


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Плюсами к методу переноса аудио CD на DVD-Audio могу назвать более продвинутый метод коррекции ошибок и удобство хранения дискографии одной группы на одном или двух носителях. Действительно, DVD-Audio с ЕАСовскими рипами сидюков звучат превосходно.

Минус на мой взгляд один. Это необходимоть использовать видеоустройство для навигации.

This post has been edited by Mihey on 25-05-2008, 20:56
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