> Tetsu Inoue - Ambiant Otaku, Ambient Music
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 Отправлено: 03-09-2004, 03:55 (post 1, #296739)


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This is 70+ minutes of very cool chill-out music. At the start, lighter than air sweeps and synths are joined by a bright, rapid sequence. Though it runs at a brisk pace, it is gentle in tone, very pleasing to the ear. It compares favourably to music by Global Communication and Heavenly Music Corporation. Each track explores a set of sounds for anywhere from 10 to 17 minutes. 'Karmic Light' continues its delicate bright sequence for several minutes, then expands into the realms of cosmic space music. It becomes ambient, but retains the light airy quality, not straying into dark territory at all. It is surprisingly uplifting considering the very modern, crisp electronic sounds.  
This track is a tale of two halves, one fast paced and the other languid and slow, but they somehow go deliciously together. To me, the first track alone makes this CD worth having. Nothing else approaches it on the disc, but there is still very satisfying beatless electronic music. 'Low of Vibration' describes itself well, as it does indeed have a strong vibratory character, which will either resonate or annoy. This is a very minimal piece, adding a few light bells and soft low flute-like sounds toward the end. Then comes the title track, again a very stripped down affair, a bit more experimental. Light electronic noises filter through for a few minutes, with hints of a beat that might but never quite emerges. Repeating radar blips somehow manage to avoid sounding too much like a video game, pulsing into a mood of relaxation rather than distraction. 'Holy Dance' again reminds me of Heavenly Music Corporation, quite a bit in fact. It is all quite synthesized and electronic, but it is also positive, even uplifting. Very light hints of percussion dance around the fringes of the music. The feeling is comfortable.  
Closing out proceedings in even more relaxed fashion is 'Magnetic Field.' The longest track, it doesn't change much, and may require too much patience from some, but if you've made it this far, you're just enjoying the very smooth, soft ride at this point. Excuse me, I gotta chill. (PD)

Tetsu.Inoue-Ambiant.Otaku.-.256kbps.rar 27 clicks
256kpbs 44khz

enjoy smile.gif

greetings lo-rez
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