> Vampyros Lesbos - Sexadelic Dance Party, o4en' sovetuu, otli4nyi musik!
 smeshno Member is Offline
 Posted: 30-10-2002, 01:34 (post 1, #47437)


Group: Read Only
Posts: 253
"1. Droge CX 9 5:12
2. The Lions And The Cucumber 5:10
3. There's No Satisfaction 3:10
4. Dedicated To Love 2:32
5. People's Playground Version A 0:50
6. We Don't Care 5:20
7. People's Playground Version B 1:18
8. The Ballad Of A Fair Singer 2:36
9. Necronomania 2:10
10. Kamasutra 4:03
11. The Message 3:22
12. Shindai Lovers 4:21
13. The Six Wisdoms Of Aspasia 4:21
14. Countdown To Nowhere 2:28"

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