The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - The Complete Recordings, Soundtrack к TTT SEE
 knopa Member is Offline
 Posted: 06-04-2007, 21:23 (post 1, #734202)


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Posts: 32
Howard Shore
Артист: Howard Shore
Альбом: 2006
Жанр: Soundtrack
Формат файла: APE (image + .cue)
Нахождение: Torrent
Саундтрек к режиссёрской версии фильма Питера Джексона "Властелин Колец - Две Крепости".
Скан вложенного буклета к саундтреку прилагается.


Disc: 1
1. Glamdring
2. Elven Rope
3. Lost in Emyn Muil
4. My Precious
5. Ugluk's Warriors
6. Three Hunters
7. Banishment of Éomer
8. Night Camp
9. Plains of Rohan
10. Fangorn
11. Dead Marshes
12. "Wraiths on Wings"
13. Gandalf the White
14. Dreams of Trees
15. Heir of Numenor
16. Ent-Draught

Disc: 2
1. Edoras
2. Court of Meduseld
3. Theoden King
4. King's Decision
5. Exodus from Edoras
6. Forests of Ithilian
7. One of the Dunedain
8. Wolves of Isengard
9. Refuge at Helm's Deep
10. Voice of Saruman
11. Arwen's Fate
12. Story Foretold
13. Sons of the Steward
14. Rock and Pool
15. Faramir's Good Council

Disc: 3
1. Aragorn's Return
2. War Is Upon Us
3. "Where Is the Horse and the Rider?"
4. Host of the Eldar
5. Battle of the Hornburg
6. Breach of the Deeping Wall
7. Entmoot Decides
8. Retreat
9. Master Peregrin's Plan
10. Last March of the Ents
11. Nazgûl Attack
12. Théodon Rides Forth
13. Tales That Really Matter
14. "Long Ways to Go Yet"

This post has been edited by knopa on 06-04-2007, 21:25
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 Finar Member is Offline
 Posted: 23-04-2007, 14:12 (post 2, #741088)


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 Zemlynin Member is Offline
 Posted: 27-04-2007, 00:36 (post 3, #742643)

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