> MLP-Files- What must i do?
 Helios61 Member is Offline
 Posted: 24-02-2008, 16:56 (post 1, #822935)


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Posts: 31
Hello Netlab Forum
Sorry, i don't speak Russian, but i have a question. I have loaded the "Brother in Arms" MLP-File. What must i do, to hear, mount or burn this file? I have installed "Surcode MLP" and "Minnetonka Discwelder Chrome 2.06", but there is always a problem with the aspi-driver. My OS is "Vista Home Premium 32".
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!

This post has been edited by Helios61 on 24-02-2008, 16:56
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 bertox Member is Offline
 Posted: 24-02-2008, 22:14 (post 2, #823003)


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Posts: 254
You can transcode MLP files to Flac at every momment!!! Then listen in Foobar2000.

Use eac3to app: link

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 OlCh Member is Offline
 Posted: 24-02-2008, 22:56 (post 3, #823012)


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it work in Vista? :rolleyes:
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 bertox Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-02-2008, 02:36 (post 4, #823067)


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Yes, i suppose..

Try it. :-p
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 DavidC Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-02-2008, 08:12 (post 5, #823094)


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Sorry, But How It Works?
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 Sartre Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-02-2008, 10:18 (post 6, #823102)


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There's a GUI available for eac3to. Version 2 is available here. Works fine in Vista. :punk:

Creative MediaSource will play them too. I'm not sure if you need a Creative soundcard or not.

This post has been edited by Sartre on 25-02-2008, 10:19
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 bertox Member is Offline
 Posted: 25-02-2008, 14:39 (post 7, #823127)


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Posts: 254
This is another GUI: link

Now, these GUIs don't come with the eac3to app, you have to download it anyway, and then show it's path to the GUIs for properly work. :wink:

In the eac3togui you may have to rename the ac3 default output extension to wav or flac..

You can re-mapp the order of channels too, or do an prologic II downmix with '-down2' command...:drag:

This post has been edited by bertox on 25-02-2008, 14:48
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